London Gymnastics school of Elegance – LGSE
Our Club and coaches are registered with British Gymnastics/London Gymnastics Federations, the sport’s governing body in UK. All gymnasts within the Club must affiliate each year to British Gymnastics to ensure that each individual is properly insured to participate in the sport.
Our coaches are all qualified gymnastics instructors or are working towards their first coaching qualification under the supervision of a qualified coach. All coaches are affiliated to British Gymnastics and operate under the auspices of the Head Coach. They are required to ensure that their qualifications and level of knowledge are kept up to date.
1. General
- All LGSE members, parents and staff must adhere to the specific rules of the venues we run classes in.
- Please read, print, complete and sign our Club Rules and bring it on the next training day or sign electronicaly and send to our club email . Document you will find under Rules.
- All gymnasts need to have their own Rhythmic Gymnastics equipment (Equipment and other merchandise can be ordered via our website – SHOP ) and a Club Uniform (order here , password required).
- All gymnasts need to bring a water bottle to training. No fizzy drinks, food or chewing gum is allowed in the gym.
- All long hair must be tied up neatly and no jewellery is allowed. Anyone wearing earrings will be asked to remove them or cover them with tape or a plaster.
- Kids under 13 years of age must be accompanied by adult before and after each session
- The child’s attendance book should be handed to their coach at the beginning of the lesson.
- Children under 5 may feel distressed in unfamiliar place, so we kindly ask the Under 5 new joiners’ parents not to leave the premises during the first 3-4 sessions.
- Parents are not allowed to come inside of training area during any classes. Children progress better if parents do not distract them. It’s dangerous to communicate with your child whilst training.
- Parents need to ensure that the child has had a drink and been to the toilet before the session starts to minimize disruption.
- Parents need to arrive on time to collect theirs kids or to let LGSE know in case of lateness.
- Parents should inform us in advance if the child will not be attending a session.
- As the training sessions run one-by-one the coaches do not have an opportunity to answer parents’ enquiries. If you have any questions, please, contact our administrator and your concern will be addressed.
- LGSE will not tolerate any abuse, bullying or threatening to our coaches and any LGSE staff. Rudeness, insults, unreasonable demands, unreasonable persistence, managing unacceptable actions, discrimination on any grounds (skin colour, nationality, sexual orientation), physical and mental abuse are prohibited and their use by any gymnast or parent, especially in front of the children, could result in termination of membership.
2. Parents obligations
- The Parents warrant that the information provided for British Gymnastics and the Club is accurate and up to date. It is the Parents/Guardians’ responsibility to ensure that they update LGSE in writing of any change in medical conditions or contact details.
- It is the Parents/Guardians’ responsibility to inform LGSE of any special medical conditions at the point of joining.
- Parents/Guardians agree to accept the sole responsibility for their child immediately before and after the end of the class. It is the Parent/Guardian responsibility to ensure their child’s safety while in the changing rooms, toilets, reception and waiting areas as well as the safe entry of their child to the Sports hall and vice versa.
- Parents/Guardians are responsible for bringing their child on time for the class. Warm up is essential part of the training and the child’s potential absence from the first part of the lesson could result in injuries.
- Parents/Guardians take full responsibility for their children’s personal belongings such as clothes, shoes and bags. Coaches and officials of LGSE are not held responsible for any damaged, lost or stolen items in the Sports hall or the facility.
- Parents/Guardians are advised to accept official judgments regarding their child’s behaviour and development. LGSE strongly discourages challenging and arguing with club coaches and officials.
- Parents/Guardians’ should not use personal phone numbers of coaches and stuff.
- LGSE follows strict anti-discriminatory policies. Everyone in the club will receive equal treatment.
- If you have cause to complain about our service, please turn to the club’s Welfare Officer.
- It is the Parents’ responsibility to make sure the child is familiarized with Gymnast’s Code of Conduct.
3. Gymnast’s Code of Conduct
- Gymnasts should follow carefully all the instructions given by coaches and behave in appropriate manner.
- Gymnasts must adhere to the rules and respect coaches, judges and their decisions. Gymnasts must respect fellow club members.
- Gymnasts must display professional and respectful conduct whilst representing the club at competitions or other events.
- Gymnasts must inform the head coach of any injuries or illness they may have before or during the session.
- Gymnasts are not allowed to leave the premises without permission of the Head Coach for their safety and security reasons. Under 13s should remain with coaches at the end of a session until collected by their parent or guardian.
4. Parents Code of Conduct
- Parents must ensure their child arrives on time for their session.
- Parents must deliver their child into the gym to ensure their child’s coach is present and also collect them from the gym to ensure they are safely returned to a responsible adult at the end of a training session.
- Parents must ensure their child is appropriately dressed for gymnastics and has a water bottle, hair tied up, no jewellery etc.
- Parents must ensure their child understands that they must follow the instructions of the coaching staff at all times.
- Parents must inform the coaches of any condition their child may have that may affect their participation in the session.
- Parents must ensure all necessary paperwork is complete, training and competition fees are paid on time or discuss any problems confidentially with the club treasurer.
- Parents must encourage their child to value their own performance and not just the result. Winning is not within their control, their own effort is!
- Parents must appreciate and respect the efforts of the coaches and club officials in the development of their children and understand that success in gymnastics takes many, many years of hard work and dedication.
- Parents should support the efforts of the coaches and committee members and assist where possible by lending your help and expertise to further the objects of the Club.
- For the safety and welfare of all Club members Parents should share and report any concerns they may have to a coach or the Welfare Officer.
- Parents must recognize their child’s efforts, improvement and successes in every form and encourage them to understand that although trying to win is important, that it shouldn’t be all and end all!
5. Coaches
- All coaches must ensure that safe environment is provided at all times.
- Coaches must be immediately accessible and never leave the premises while a session is in progress.
- Gymnastics is a sport, which requires a high level of safety and discipline. Therefore, coaches are allowed to use appropriate level of verbal discipline if they deem necessary to avoid accidents and minimize injuries.
- Coaches are allowed to use British Gymnastics supporting techniques when helping the gymnast understand the correct position, shape or movement.
- Coaches have the rights to sit a gymnast out of class, if she does not follow the club’s rules and safety regulations.
6. Membership, Payments, Classes and Attendance
- Gymnasts, who do not hold a valid BG Membership, will not be able to attend training sessions.
- Club Membership fee is £25 and must be paid annually by all members.
- Payment period (term) is around 7-9 weeks usually.
- The invoices for the next term are issued 1-2 weeks before the current term ends and must be paid in within the first week of the new term. £10 late payment fee must be added after this deadline.
- LGSE will not refund or credit any fees if you miss a class or choose to stop attending classes before the end of the term. Pro-rata discount is available only to new members who join the Club in the middle of the term. Refund is only available for more than 2 weeks absence caused by medical conditions and confirmed with a doctor’s letter. To receive a refund, please, send an email to within 24 hours.
- Members, who have not completed their payment in time are not allowed to join classes. LGSE retains the right to sit a gymnast during the class, if the fees are outstanding.
- Cancellation of additional course – extra trainings , sport camps.
- If you wish to cancel your course at any time, refunds will not be given.
- Cancellation must be given by email to our administration team.
- In exceptional circumstances it may be necessary for us to cancel a class. If this happens, you will be notified with as much notice as possible by WhatsApp and/or on our social network.
- If the cancellation is outside of our control – for example due to an incident at a venue or extreme weather conditions a refund will not be made, an additional session will be set up so no gymnasts miss out.
- Our Rhythmic gymnastics classes run from early September till end of July. We are closed only on Christmas Holidays, 2 weeks, and Summer Holidays, from the end of July till September.
- Our classes are over subscribed in order to secure your child’s place please insure that subscriptions are paid by due dates. If fees are not paid by the deadline the Club will assume the place for your child is no longer required. Any late payments that are accepted will incur an administration charge.
- Missed sessions are not transferable to other sessions or gymnasts.
- A month’s notice is required should you decide to leave the Club!
- Students are expected to attend at least 90% of their classes. If injured or on holiday, please notify our Head Coach or Administrator. We have a waiting list of eager children who will fill place if attendance is low.
- When the payment is not received during the first week of the term the child will not be admitted to the training session. When the payment is still not received by the end of the fourth week of the term the Club reserves the right to apply to the Court.
7. Photo/ Media Permission
Accepting these Rules I authorise London Gymnastics school of Elegance to use all photographs/videos taken of my child during the gymnastics sessions, competitions, events for advertising or promotional purposes of the club (club websites, publicity and advertisement materials)
- At our large club events such as club competitions, club display and shows, we take photos to promote club activities and may film the event. We publish images on our website, social media account and in our communications. Any images of children will be published in line with (British Gymnastics/other) safeguarding policy.
- Let us know if you do not wish to be filmed or photographed or do not want your image to be published. While we can usually take steps to prevent you from being photographed or filmed at club events, please bear in mind that at our large public events, it may be difficult to avoid capturing you in footage. However, we always review all photographs prior to publication and we will ensure any images of you are deleted.
If we are filming or taking photos for any other purpose, we will ask for your consent.
* Please note that any children attending LGSE outside of their regular training times are classed as members of the public and as is normal under these circumstances, responsibility for their welfare and behaviour lies with their legal parent/guardian.
I understand that my child’s attendance at the LGSE outside of their regular training times, unless expressly invited by the Head Coach, may be unsupervised and restricted to publicly accessible areas of the building. Under such circumstances, I accept responsibility for their behaviour and that liability for any resultant risk to themselves or others lies with myself as their legal parent/guardian.
* We are kindly asking all parents to join our London Gymnastics school of Elegance Facebook Group for regular information and updates.
LGSE Club Rules
Download the RulesContacts
Inga Luse, T: 07543644609
Julia Gaifulina, T: 07930599905